The "Product of the Year" award is presented annually by Wachstumsregion Ems-Achse e.V. to particularly innovative products from the regions of East Frisia, Emsland and Grafschaft Bentheim. The alliance is made up of companies, municipalities, educational institutions, chambers and associations. It has more than 700 members and over 100,000 employees. The aim is to attract skilled workers to the region. At the same time, it also aims to ensure the networking of partners and lobbying for the region.
During its parliamentary evening, the association was motivated by Environment Minister Lies and State Parliament Vice-President Busemann to continue to pursue the network in the region with such determination and thus strengthen the region.
We at kompackt are very sure that we have created an innovative and sustainable product with the JuteBox. It deserves to be called "Product of the Year 2021". For this reason, we applied for this award with a short introduction video. This was done by 21 other companies from the region. In our video, we had the opportunity to present our guiding principle of "[designing] innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for the future".
Bei unserem „Produkt des Jahres“ handelt es sich um umweltfreundliche Versandverpackungen, die aus der namensgebenden Naturfaser Jute bestehen, die stoßdämpfende and feuchtigkeitsregulierende Eigenschaften unter sich vereint. Diese umweltbewusste Isolierverpackung ermöglicht einen nachhaltigen Konsum. Die platzsparend gelieferte Thermoverpackung aus Jute ist zudem vollständig biologisch abbaubar und einfach im Kompost, Bio- oder Restmüll zu entsorgen.
In the end, the JuteBox was able to prevail over almost all of the competition and thus achieve 3rd place. Our JuteBox was praised as a "real chance [...] to make goods trade more sustainable."
We would like to build on this appreciation. We are now pursuing our vision once again with vigor and our partners in the Ems-Achse association.
"Creating packaging standards that combine the demands of performance, economy and quality, as well as resource conservation and environmental awareness - not being an alternative, but being the first choice of shippers."
Source: Ems-Achse
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